The band behind this track...
Jimmy Mac: vocal, accordions
Shannon Powell: drums, backing vocals
Chris Severin: electric bass guitar
Grant Green Jr.: guitars, backing vocals
Ike Stubblefield: organ
Nyo Jones: backing vocals
Produced by Jimmy Mac
Recorded by Jay Wesley at Studio in the Country, Bogalousa LA
Mixed by Mike Napolitano
Mastered by Bruce Barielle
Art Direction Matthew Foreman
Design by Borealismac
I could talk about this band all night. .. every one of these
guys (are).. modern day masters ... they represent on a level that very few artists are able to
inhabit these days: a spiritually evolved place .. where music is still live... vibrations.. air
moving through space, .. harmonics that sway the architecture .. old school soul stuff...
elegant , refined ... powerful and uplifting ... magic sounding stuff ... that’s what these guys
are made of . It’s a line up like someone in New Orleans would dream up at closing time, only
to say ..”you must be drunk .you could never get all those guys together for a record.”
Well here we are. Sometimes It’s better to be lucky than smart.....